Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed

NUTR Homework

#2: Digestive Health 

Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion. Now think about how human nutrition has changed over time and across geographical locations.


Identify a digestive disorder that is closely linked to a particular time or place.

For example, a lower incidence of colorectal cancer has been documented in parts of the world where the local diet consists primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables with low consumption of cooked red meat. (Note: colorectal cancer is an example—please do not use this disorder in your discussion.)


Discuss the causes and symptoms of your chosen disorder and possible treatment options.

Include information on the role of diet in mitigating or treating symptoms of the disorder.

Cite at least two sources in your response. These can include sources in our LEO course.

#3 Meal Planning (Vegetarian)

Select one of the following diets and provide a 1 day menu, including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks.

As a class, please also try to represent all four types of menu options listed below.


This needs your creativity and you should **not** simply use a menu you find on the internet.

Try to develop a menu that you might actually eat.

You do not need to write in sentences for this (you may list out the menu).

Make sure you include all relevant details, including serving sizes.

#4 Lipids

Answer one (1) of the questions below:

Question 1:

Triglycerides, fatty acids, phospholipids, and sterols all play roles in lipid absorption. Without them, the fats or oils that you ingest would not make it into the bloodstream. Select one of these lipids and identify a food source, the function of the lipid within the body, and a defining feature of its chemical structure.

#5 Vitamins and Minerals

Select **one** of the questions below to answer.

Name your Post Subject/Title as the Vitamin or Mineral you choose.


TASK: Select a vitamin and address the question below

Imagine you are attending your yearly health risk assessment. When you came to the appointment, you thought you had a proper diet and were of average health. It turns out, the doctor that examines you has a special interest in nutrition. He notices some inconsistencies with what you discuss with him and suggests that you may have a deficiency or toxicity of your selected vitamin. Your post should include the following information:

Based upon the vitamin that you have chosen, what were your doctor’s observations and diagnosis?

Do you have a toxicity or deficiency? Explain any disorders associated with the deficiency or toxicity.

Briefly describe what your recommended daily allowance based upon your profile (sex, age, physical status, etc.) should be, your present intake estimate, and your action plan (adjustment in diet, etc.).

If left untreated, what might be some of the more serious long term and detrimental effects this might have on your body?

Which special populations (pregnant women, children, etc.) are most affected and why?

What other prevention, treatment, and safety measures might be beneficial to regulate your health?

#7 Personal Nutrition and Health


Read the scenario below

Provide five tips to the student to help him get back on track

Read your classmates’ posts and strive to make your tips unique from your classmates’ tips.

Respond to at least two different classmates.


Johnny’s largest meal of the day is late in the evening. Twice a #he prepares his own hot dinners at his dorm. The other nights he eats frozen convenience foods, microwave dinners, fast food, or cold sandwiches. His friends have mentioned to him that his eating habits may affect his health, but Johnny has explained that he is an athlete and needs to eat the way he does to have energy to compete at a college level. He has seen no change in his weight over the past few months, either up or down, not even with weight training activities. He has not been to the doctor in a year, but as a student athlete is required to see the doctor once every year, and so he will schedule an appointment in the upcoming weeks in preparation for lacrosse season.

Johnny wants to be the best athlete possible and his friends’ concerns have made him think about his eating habits. He has visited you at the student health center where you are volunteering with the nutrition office as part of your nutrition class. What advice can you give Johnny about sports nutrition and his current eating habits? Please give him at least five tips. Note: Please clearly indicate your tips in your response (if I can’t locate them, I can’t grade them).

See Syllabus for Discussion Expectations and Rubric

Use complete sentences, correct spelling and grammar, and well-written and organized paragraphs. You are required to cite your course resources in these discussions to show how you have applied what you have read. Grades will reflect how well you have followed these guidelines. I am eager to see each individual’s posts and interact with you

Expert Solution Preview

Introduction: As a medical professor, it is important to design assignments that challenge students to think critically about medical issues and solutions. These assignments should test students’ knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in class, as well as their ability to apply that knowledge to real-world scenarios. In this response, I will provide answers to five different medical college assignments on topics ranging from digestive disorders to personal nutrition and health.

NUTR Homework #2: Digestive Health

One digestive disorder that is closely linked to a particular time and place is pellagra, which was endemic in the United States during the early 20th century. This disorder was caused by a deficiency of niacin, which is found in foods such as meat, poultry, fish, and fortified cereals. Pellagra was particularly common among poor communities in the Southern US, where diets were often low in niacin-rich foods. The symptoms of pellagra include skin rashes, gastrointestinal problems, and cognitive impairment. Treatment for pellagra involves supplementing the patient’s diet with niacin-rich foods or supplements. It is important to note that niacin can also be synthesized in the body from the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in high-protein foods like meat, dairy, and eggs. Therefore, a balanced diet that includes sources of tryptophan can also help prevent pellagra.

#3 Meal Planning (Vegetarian)

Lacto-vegetarian menu:
Breakfast: Greek yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and granola
Lunch: Grilled vegetable and mozzarella sandwich with side salad
Dinner: Lentil and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice
Snacks: Carrot sticks with hummus, trail mix with nuts and dried fruit

#4 Lipids

Triglycerides play a critical role in the absorption and storage of fats in the body. One food source of triglycerides is avocado, which is high in healthy, unsaturated fats. Triglycerides are also important for providing energy to the body during periods of fasting or low-carbohydrate diets. The chemical structure of triglycerides consists of a glycerol backbone and three fatty acid chains.

#5 Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin C:
Based on the doctor’s observations, it is likely that I have a vitamin C deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include weakness, fatigue, and easy bruising. If left untreated, severe cases of vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy, a condition that causes oral ulcers, joint pain, and skin rashes.
My recommended daily allowance for vitamin C would depend on my age, sex, and physical status, but for an adult male, it is around 90mg per day. My present intake estimate is likely below this amount, based on the doctor’s observation. To address this, I would increase my intake of vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, peppers, and broccoli.
Special populations that are most affected by vitamin C deficiency include smokers, elderly individuals, and individuals with malabsorption disorders. These populations may require higher doses of vitamin C to maintain adequate levels in the body. Other prevention and treatment measures for vitamin C deficiency include taking vitamin C supplements or consuming foods fortified with vitamin C.

#7 Personal Nutrition and Health

Tips for Johnny:
1. Plan ahead and prepare healthy meals in advance, so that you have nutritious options available when you’re on-the-go.
2. Focus on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to provide sustained energy throughout the day.
3. Aim to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to avoid overeating and keep energy levels stable.
4. Hydrate properly with water and electrolyte-rich fluids to support athletic performance and recovery.
5. Remember that nutrition is only one aspect of overall health; prioritize other healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, managing stress, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.

Overall, these assignments provide a valuable opportunity for medical college students to engage with important topics related to nutrition and health. By providing well-researched and thoughtful answers to these assignments, students can deepen their understanding of these issues and prepare themselves to become knowledgeable and effective healthcare professionals.

#Digestive #disorders #long #humans #consumed

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