**ANSWER THIS QUESTION 250 WORDS MIN** Discussion Questions: Putting politics aside,

 **ANSWER THIS QUESTION 250 WORDS MIN** Discussion Questions: Putting politics aside, how should the United States best address immigration now? What about in the next five years? What about the next ten years? (Note: there should be NO discussion of political parties).  **REPLY TO EACH POST 100 WORDS MIN EACH**  1. The U.S. and Mexico […]

Read at least two sources on the subject of the

Read at least two sources on the subject of the Spanish Inquisition and then answer the following questions in complete sentence Where did The Inquisition take place? What is meant by The Inquisition? How did inquisitions come to be used in dealing with cases of heresy? What religion really responsible for The Inquisition? Why were […]

Please awnser each question 200 words with references: 1) During Mr.

Please awnser each question 200 words with references: 1) During Mr. Fortner’s interrogation, Fortner states that he  wishes to speak with his lawyer. The police officer agrees, and then,  while waiting for the attorney to show up, begins talking with his  partner about how sad the defendant’s family is going to be that he  didn’t […]

  Create an outline for the final paper that follows standard

  Create an outline for the final paper that follows standard outline formatting standards. Be sure to include the following in your outline to ensure the final paper addresses all required content: Brief history of the drug Psychopharmacology of the drug Current trends or issues Societal concerns or issues related to the topic Significance or […]

 How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came

 How would you explain the challenges regarding which disorder came first, the mental illness or the addiction?  Provide an example to support your explanation. 150 words min  How would you incorporate psychopharmacological treatment when working with a client suffering from anxiety and addiction? What types of medication would you expect the client to be prescribed? […]

  Professional Boundaries Human service professionals work with clients undergoing difficult situations

  Professional Boundaries Human service professionals work with clients undergoing difficult situations that often result in crisis. NOHS Ethical Standards and state law list specific situations when the human service professional must break client confidentiality. In most cases, human service professionals break confidentiality: when a client reports harm to self or others, when a client […]

  In this course, you are required to complete a research

  In this course, you are required to complete a research paper about one of the topics of your choice discussed in the course. Review the topics in the course and choose a topic to focus your research paper on. Some suggestions include: Pharmacological treatment for substance use disorders The history of the increase in […]

Post a description of the reward network of the brain,

Post a description of the reward network of the brain, including the brain regions and neurotransmitters involved. Provide at least one example of how this reward network is beneficial to the survival of the individual or the species. Next, describe how this reward network is misappropriated by addictive substances or behaviors. Then, specifically, describe how […]