Brand AssessmentGuidelines: 1. Up to three people to a group 2. Printed report – 3,200 words minimum.

Brand Assessment


1. Up to three people to a group

2. Printed report – 3,200 words minimum.

3. In class Presentation – 15-16 minutes.

4. Include pictures, charts, graphs, videos and/or as necessary.

5. The report should be generated from, but not limited to the below outline.

6. The in-class presentation will be graded according to the
“Class Presentation Rubric.”

1. Executive summary

2. The brand:

a. Product

b. Pricing

c. Place

d. Promotion

3. Brand Vision

Does it align with the organization?

4. Brand Values

What does the brand stand for? What are the core values? The brand’s character?

5. Brand Personas

Does the brand use brand personas?

6. Brand positioning

What is the brand’s positioning strategy?

What makes the brand different? What makes it unique? What makes it similar to


7. Brand Name

Does the brand name fit the strategy? Is it a strong brand name?

8. Brand Identity

Is the brand identity on par with—or superior to competitors?

Imagery, colors, etcetera.

9. Website experience

Does the brand’s website properly reflect the brand while encouraging online

interactions with consumers?

10. Brand Story

Does the brand create content to share brand’s story and shape perceptions about it?

11. Brand SWOT

a. Strength

b. Weakness

c. Opportunities

d. Threats

12. Summary and conclusion

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