business work in term of operations

Please respond to the following this week:

1. How would your NAB business work in term of operations (production, inventory control, distribution, customer service, research and development, etc.)?

2. What technology would you use in your company’s operations?

How to address the discussion question:

Video explaining how to answer this week’s discussion


  • You will have to include all the equipment, technology and personnel listed in your NAB Company Portfolio. The information is located under Note#2 in the portfolio
  • You must use the information from the NAB Portfolio first and then you can add to it.
  • Check out Chapter 11: Operations and Chapter 12: Technology to learn more.
  • You will use this week’s information in Assignment 3- operations and technology plan.
  • Consider the areas below as you address these questions. Condense the key information in two solid paragraphs focusing on the specific information pertaining to your NAB Company.


Describe the day-to-day functions of your company. How will you run your business? Consider the following areas:

1. Facilities

2. Production process: how will you produce the product

3. Inventory control- how much inventory you will have

4. Distribution- how will you distribute the product

5. Customer service– how will you handle customers and returns

6. Research and Development- how will you improve the product and how will you continue to search for new combinations/ flavors

Check the NAB portfolio to see what equipment you already have. You must include this in your response. Check out Chapter 11- operations for information, worksheets, and a sample plan for ideas.


1. What technology do you use at your company (hardware, software, telecommunications)?

2. What do you use technology for and how? (database management, inventory system, phones, cloud)

2. Think about technology in the production process, or operations overall

3. Think about technology in other areas of business (administration, R&D)

Check the NAB portfolio to see what technology you already have. You must include this in your response and then you can add to it.

Check Chapter 12-technology plan for information and page 222 for an illustration of all the areas you can use technology.

DIRECTIONS: To get started, click on the +Pin option on the upper right-hand corner and write your response. Click on “How Points Work” to see how you can earn your points. Once you reach 100% you will earn your full 20 points in Blackboard. Please note that points can be deducted or revoked if the post is not high quality.

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