Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing

Assignment 2: FHEA Exam Follow-up

In Week 3 you completed the Fitzgerald University Exit Comprehensive Exam and you should have received your results. This exam is an example of the certification exam you may be required to take in order to be licensed as a PMHNP in your state. Your results from the exam may reflect how you would do in the actual certification exam.

In this Assignment, you will develop a plan of action to address any areas of the exam where you may have scored less than acceptable.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Develop plan of action for certification exam preparation

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Develop plan of action for certification exam preparation

In 1 page:

Based on your results from the FHEA Exam, develop a plan of action, including an academic study plan, which will help you maintain your areas of strength and address the areas that need improvement, and help you prepare for the Certification Exam. Address each area of the exam including:

  • Foundations of Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Independent Practice Competencies
  • Professional Role and Policy

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