After reviewing the instructional materials for Chapter 11 on “Prisons

After reviewing the instructional materials for Chapter 11 on “Prisons and Jails”, post your initial QCC. Each QCC should be at least 300 words and include three parts: Question, Comment, and Connection.

  • Question prompted by the instructional materials; this might be a discussion question for the class or a question about something you did not fully understand. Here, you should reference at least one specific part of the reading/video that sparked this question. You can include a direct quote or a paraphrase, and the quote or paraphrase should be cited with the author’s name and page number/time stamp.
  • Comment on how some of the ideas presented in the readings has impacted your understanding of Prisons and Jails. Here, you should describe the specific part(s) of the readings/videos that changed your perspective, introduced an idea that was new to you, or challenged what you had previously thought.
  • Connection to one or more of the ideas presented in the chapter. Here, you should make it clear which of the specific idea(s) from the chapter you have chosen to respond to.

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