All projects begin by answering one of two questions: How


All projects begin by answering one of two questions:

  • How can I make business scenario ABC better or more efficient?
  • What business scenario can I automate to benefit organization XYZ?

For this assignment, select a business scenario you would like to develop into a project over the next five weeks. You have two options:

  • You may select one of the two business scenarios described in Select a Business Scenario.
  • You may select a business scenario of your choosing. This can be a scenario from your workplace; for example, a frustrating process you have been eager to rework or a potential process you have been thinking of that does not exist yet but that you think would be valuable to your organization if it were developed into an IT project.

Note: If you decide to select a business scenario of your choosing, you must obtain approval from your instructor for your scenario before beginning the project proposal assignment, which is also due this week.

Download Select a Business Scenario and read through the options.

Type your selection (Scenario A, Scenario B, or Scenario C) directly into the Select a Business Scenario document (on the space provided next to each scenario). If you select Scenario C, you must include a scenario description as outlined in the document.

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