Buildings and structures can commemorate events such as battles and people such as emperors. Even churches make religion monumentally grand

Buildings and structures can commemorate events, such as battles, and people, such as emperors. Even churches make religion monumentally grand (and the patron who built it). But for those people that were displaced by the victors, monuments can be a reminder of oppression.
Public can monuments stir up some controversy.
View and learn about these:
President Dwight Eisenhower Monument by architect Frank Gehry, website (
(????????)) and protests (
Maya Lin Viet Nam Memorial
site on 13 most controversial
monument and memorial controversies in the US
there are several articles
Pick 1 to discuss. Give a summary of the monument and its controversy. Do you support the memorial or are you against it? Why? Do you think there is a way to help avoid controversy in monuments? If so what can be done?
200-350 Words. Cite your work.

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