Delta Corporation has been very impressed with the progress it

Delta Corporation has been very impressed with the progress it has made with its new product line and the new marketing approach that you recommended and instigated. As a result, it is now considering expanding this approach for its other product lines, providing them with the ability to market and sell all of its products online. However, it has not considered the implications for its IT department in developing this type of plan. As the Social Media Marketing Consultant, you are familiar with integrating business and IT strategic planning. They have called upon you to provide advice. You need to:

  • Explain what the company needs to consider if it is going to move to a more on-line approach for its sales and marketing activities. In particular, describe the consequences for its IT department and why they need to be involved in the planning phase.
  • Given the likely increase in costs associated with this move, you need to outline the potential benefits and possible pitfalls of outsourcing the IT maintenance and development.
  • Outline some strategic technology trends that the company may wish to monitor and consider for the future.

Finally, write about a company in Saudi Arabia and discuss whether they were able to align their overall strategy and their IT strategy. If they were successful discuss how they managed this alignment and what benefits they gained from doing so. If they were not so successful, explain how and why you felt that occurred.

Importance note to follow:

1.  Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. To make it easier to read and therefore grade.

2.  make sure you clearly delineate each section of your answer so it can be matched with the relevant question. 

3.  Use APA7 style guidelines, citation reference at least four references as appropriate. 

4.  Make sure no plagiarism

5.  In the attachment the related book chapter 12

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