For this week’s discussion you will be responding to a

For this week’s discussion you will be responding to a case study. Please read the following case and respond to the questions carefully.

You’ve just bought a SuperWok franchise that you will manage yourself. The restaurant is ready to open, but the only employees you could hire for what you pay are inexperienced. None of them has ever made Chinese food or worked in a restaurant. How will you train them?

In your discussion post, describe what steps you would take. Be sure to bring in what you learned this week to address the following:

  • What do your employees need to know? What skills are needed? How well-informed and skilled do they need to be before you open?
  • What kind of training method(s) would work best in your opinion?
  • How will you know the training worked? What level(s) of evaluation criteria would you uses to determine its effectiveness and why?

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