INITIAL POST (due 10/2): In Trifles, how would you describe

INITIAL POST (due 10/2):

  1. In Trifles, how would you describe the women’s approach to understanding the murder of John Wright? And, how does this approach help them achieve what the men fail to achieve? Use one concept from feminist criticism (Ch. 4 in Critical Theory Today) in your response. Highlight the concept you use in bold in your response. Analyze specific passages from the story (provide in-text citations) in your response. 
  2. What is the significance of the encounter between Elisa and the tinker in “The Chrysanthemums”? Use at least one concept from the “Feminist Criticism” chapter in Critical Theory Today. Highlight the concept/term in bold.

Length: One page (250 words) total

Respond in a structured, focused response. This isn’t a free-write in which you just jot down thoughts. Write clear, grammatical sentences, in coherent paragraphs, and use an appropriate tone. Your response should show that you are familiar with the texts. Do not offer a long summary or background information unless it is related to the question. 

RESPONSE POST (due 10/3):

Respond to at least one classmate’s post with a thoughtful comment. You are not limited to praise or agreement. If something needs to be pointed out, do it in a polite but clear way. Avoid irrelevant comments; focus on the texts and the classmate’s ideas. Avoid vague comments like “I agree” or “Good work.”

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