Instructions: Response must be at least 150 words, written in

Instructions: Response must be at least 150 words, written in current APA format with at least one academic reference cited. References must be within the last five years. Response must refut/correct or add additional nuance.

The therapeutic actions of Clotrimazole (Lotrimin)

Clotrimazole cream is a broad spectrum topical antifungal agent, which falls under the class of imidazole, which is a category of azole antifungal. Clotrimazole works by inhibiting the growth of the pathogenic yeasts, by changing the cell membranes’ permeability (Lawton, 2020). It causes inhibition of ergosterol biosynthesis, which is an essential constituent of the cell membrane. When then the ergosterol is not synthesized, the cell is no longer able to construct an intact, and functional cell membrane. As a result of its pharmacological activities, Clotrimazole is used for the treatment of a variety of dermatophyte infections, and candidiasis. Indications for the tropical preparation include: Tinea infections such as versicolor, carpitis, corporis, cruris, manuum, and pedis, as well as Candidiasis, and Diaper rash caused by Candida albicans.

Teaching plan for Ms. Jones including age-appropriate considerations for Sam

            The appropriate teaching plan in this case mainly involves education on skin care, and hygienic practices, since candida albicans, which are the causative agents for diaper rash dwell in warm and moist skin areas, which provide a suitable environmental for the fungal growth.  The mother should be educated that diaper rashes can result from irritation by stool, and urine, use of too-tight diapers which causes severe infections especially when the baby’s skin like in the case of the 6-weeks old baby.

            Teachings on skin care should be provided to prevent future occurrence, and manage the present infection to prevent it complicating. The most important step is to ensure that the baby’s diaper is kept clean, dry, and it should not be wrapped too tightly. Diapers should be vigilantly changed when spoilt to limit the time of exposure that may allow enough time for pathogenic growth. Diaper rash can be caused when the baby’s sensitive skin is exposed to irritant substances such as; highly fragranced products, including dryer sheets, and fabric softeners. The mother should be made to understand that hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products are much less irritating for the bay’s skin. Use of baby powder also helps in ensuring a dry skin, however inhalation of the powder may lead to lung irritation, thus powder use should be avoided, especially the corn starch which can worsen diaper rashes caused by candida infection (Sharma, Sharma& Rana, 2020).

            Management of the diaper rash may be challenging, as it takes a lot of time to understand the possible factor that may be resulting to the infection. The baby’s skin is usually sensitive, and constantly gets irritation when exposed to different substances. The mother should be made to understand that it may take time to identify the cause of the infection, as it requires evaluation, and identification of the specific cause that needs to be avoided.

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