LIVE NATION Entertainment: Horizontal Integration is a type of strategy

LIVE NATION Entertainment:

Horizontal Integration is a type of strategy pursued by a company in order to strengthen its position in the industry. Within your Thompson (2022) text, read the Chapter 6 Assurance of Learning Exercise #1 related to Live Nation ( and respond to the following questions:

  • How has the company used horizontal mergers and acquisitions to strengthen its competitive position?
  • Are these moves primarily offensive or defensive? Please explain.
  • Has either Live Nation or Ticketmaster achieved any type of advantage based on the timing of its strategic moves?  
  • Relate your response to each of the above to our coursework (Thompson text) from this week.

Submission Details: 

  • Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data.
  • Your analysis should be between 1000 and 1500 words.
  • Incorporate a minimum of at least our course text and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.



Professor Feedback:

  • Your analysis must be driven by facts, research, and data.
  • Your analysis should be between 1000 and 1500 words.
  • Incorporate a minimum of at least our course text and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your paper. All written assignments must include a coverage page, introductory and concluding paragraphs, reference page, double-spaced and proper in-text citations using APA guidelines.

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