Massively Multiplayer Online RolePlaying Games MMORPGs In a virtual world VW of massively multiplayer online roleplaying games MMORPGs collaboration and

Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs)
In a virtual world (VW) of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), collaboration and communication are provided through the Internet between MMORPG-ready devices such as the Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation, and by using the Web browser. Gamers around the world can play against other gamers without seeing their opponent face-to-face. The Internet and MMORPG devices have become a social phenomenon. For example, a mobile game called Game of War enables players to play against each other anywhere around the world. Other diversions include Second Life which isn’t really a game at all, but rather just that, another life people can live online through their online persona.
Before you begin this assignment, engage in an online game or experience such as Game of War, Second Life, or Words With Friends, which has a phone app you can download free or play from your computer on the Internet or even as a Facebook app. It can be any game where you are playing against a live person over the Web. If you have difficulty finding an online multiplayer game, reach out to your instructor for guidance.
Write a paper with screenshots from your experience in which you complete the items below. Be sure to include what your choice was in the introduction paragraph.
Although there is not a specific page length, you should fully explore and answer the questions asked. Typically you will have two or three paragraphs with your main point supported by a few sentences of fact for each. The goal is to convince the reader that you have done your assigned reading and the additional research being asked. 100 percent original work is required.
Describe cognitive social phenomena that occur specifically to the context of the MMORPG that wouldn’t happen in a face-to-face checkers game.
Compare and contrast the MMORPG user interaction environment to the face-to-face environment where a board game like Scrabble is being played.
Assess whether or not the environment has an impact on the player’s ability to play a game such as Words With Friends in this environment.
Outline and describe the user interface requirements that a game designer needs to include in order to engage players in an MMORPG environment.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note:
Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome
associated with this assignment is:
Examine the difference in cognitive social phenomena between face-to-face and MMORPG interactions.

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