Research about language acquisition



I am african and my son is african. research about language aquisition  8 – 10 pages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 If you have a young child, keep a daily journal of sounds, words, or sentences produced by the child. Compare your data to information about language acquisition.
this is a 10 page paper!
you cannot use any outside sources but  the ones I provide!

Final Project Data



Final project proposal (in about 150-250 words) state the research question and what your original research will be. Be sure to narrow the question to something that you can discuss in-depth in a short (8-10 page paper).


References APA

Look over all the assigned readings. Choose the ones related to your research topic. Create References APA style. Use this link as a guideline.


You should have about 5-8 sources. Please use the readings from the course for the majority of your sources if at all possible as you will be comparing the results of your original research to the data presented in this class.

References Checklist

Entries are alphabetized by author’s last name.

Entries use author’s initials for first and middle names.

Dates of publication appear after the author’s name and are in parenthesis.

Titles only have first words and proper nouns capitalized.

Titles of articles have not punctuations.

Titles of periodicals and books and stand along publications are in italics.

References are double-spaced throughout and only double-spaced (MS Word will add extra space after each paragraph, so you have to remove that manually).

Use hanging indent: Second and third lines are indented .5.


Outline for final paper


I suggest the following outline for the final paper


Introduction—defines and clarifies the problem

Summarizes previous investigations in order to inform the reader of the state of current research

Identify gaps in research or contradictions

Review your research/analysis

Discussion—interpretation and discussion of the implications of the results


Here are some youtube videos that you might find useful.







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