To get started with building a personal nutrition portfolio, you

To get started with building a personal nutrition portfolio, you will complete and submit the following information for this assignment:

Step 1: Collect data for your current (baseline) eating pattern for two (2) weekdays and one (1) weekend day of data.

Step 2: Select NEW eating pattern guidelines for the semester’s exploration.

Steps 3a-d:

a.) compare your current intake to each of the recommendations listed. Note whether you met the recommendation for that particular food or nutrient

b.) select three (3) food recommendations of interest from your selected eating pattern to work on improving this semester and write them down

c.) Use an online calculator to determine micronutrients and fiber recommendations.

d.) reflect on your current (baseline) eating pattern.

Step 1: Collect Current (Baseline) Eating Pattern Guidelines

At a minimum, you need to collect/assess your complete food and beverage intake (current (baseline) eating pattern) over 3 days—2 weekdays and 1 weekend day. Don’t forget to use the exact dates for tracking.

Data Collection

What to Collect? The goal of the baseline assessment is to collect data that will provide an honest and unbiased starting point with regards to your current day-to-day food choices. For this reason, it is important that during this assessment, you do not change your eating pattern dramatically as this will skew your data. Do your best to stick with what you have typically been eating prior to starting this course.

Data You are Required to Collect/Document

If you have not done so already, copy the spreadsheet, NUTR 100: PNP Food Intake, and Micronutrients/Fiber Consumption Charts (Refer to the Instructions and Checklist section to copy the chart in preparation to use to collect your information.). Use the PNP #1 Data Collection sheet within the chart to track your food intake. Some of the items you are required to track on the PNP #1 Data Collection sheet include:

  • Exact dates including the actual day of the week for food intake for at least 3 days—2 weekdays and 1 weekend day—though you can collect more data on additional days if you like. You are encouraged to collect as many baseline days as possible. The more data you have, the better view you can get of your baseline eating pattern.
  • Time of day all meals and snacks consumed
  • Food intake at every meal
  • Snacks
  • Meal/snack frequency
  • Beverages (alcoholic beverages, water, etc.)
  • Portion size
  • Any added ingredients/condiments to your food item—don’t forget the mayo!
  • Additional comments that will assist you with tracking and analyzing your data

Note About Tracking Micronutrients and Fiber

The following information (calcium, potassium, sodium, and fiber) will need to be collected about the foods you have eaten. You may use the food label, Food Data Central (链接到外部网站。), What’s in Food (链接到外部网站。),  (链接到外部网站。)diet analysis software (such as My Fitness Pal), or do a web search for the information. When using Food Data Central, choose “Survey” options rather than “Brand” options to see all nutrient data including potassium.

If Calcium is listed as % Daily Value, convert the percent (%) to milligrams. 

  • Calcium 30% from the label. 
  • The Daily Value for Calcium is 1300.
  • Multiply 1300 by 30% (0.30) = 390 mg. 

Choose at least two additional types of data to collect from the list below:

  • how you are feeling when you are eating (stressed, happy, in a rush)
  • include documentation if you are not eating
  • your sleeping pattern (How long did you sleep? Do you feel rested?)
  • exercise pattern (walking, gym workouts, other activities) and sedentary behaviors (sitting in front of television/computer, excess sleep), dietary supplement use

Step 2: Select (NEW) Eating Pattern Guidelines

Select one (1) NEW eating pattern for the duration of the semester. You will use the selected eating pattern of your choice to compare against the current (baseline) data that you have collected.

You need to choose the Chinese Dietary Guideline:

Step 3: Select 3 Recommendations to Improve This Semester and Reflect on Current (Baseline) Eating Pattern

Select three (3) recommendations of interest from the list below and reflect on your current (baseline) eating pattern.

Step 3a: Begin by comparing your current (baseline) intake to the food recommendations listed below. 

Complete the PNP#1 Food Recommendations Sheet within the Food Intake and Micronutrients Consumption Chart (downloaded above) by comparing your current intake to each recommendation. Think about your average intake across the three days.

Simply write YES ( met the recommendation) or NO ( did not meet the recommendation) in the table.  

  • Eat 3-4 cups of vegetables per day
  • Eat 2-2.5 cups of fruit per day
  • Limit added sugars to 200 Calories per day
  • Consume at least three servings of whole-grain per day
  • Eat 2.5-3 cups of dairy per day
  • Eat 2-3 cups of legumes per week
  • Eat 2-3 servings per week of seafood (9-10 oz per week)
  • Eat 5 oz of nuts per week
  • Other dietary recommendations from one of the eating patterns mentioned previously in section, Step 2: Select (NEW) Eating Pattern Guidelines. Discuss with your instructor prior to choosing.

Step 3b: Select 3 food recommendations of interest from the list of recommendations above to explore throughout the semester.

You must select a minimum of 3 recommendations, but no more than a maximum of 5 recommendations. These recommendations should be selected based on your own interests and what you would like to attempt to change or improve regarding your eating habits. Check or otherwise indicate which recommendations you plan to follow in the Food Recommendations sheet. 

Step 3c: Use an online calculator to determine micronutrients and fiber recommendations for your age and gender. 

Use this calculator ( to determine your recommendations for each of the following nutrients of concern: Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, Fiber.

Step 3d: Write a reflection comparing and contrasting your current eating pattern to dietary recommendations.

Write a minimum of 250-word reflection regarding this assignment. Please double-space for ease in reading your assignment. 

Questions to answer:

  1. What patterns did you notice in your food selection? Think about the topics we covered in Chapters one and two of the text.
  2. Does your intake meet the requirements for each of the micronutrients/fiber consumption? For example, how does your sodium intake or potassium intake compare to the recommendations? Are you meeting your calcium requirement? Are you meeting the recommended intake for fiber? 
  3. What patterns did you notice in the additional data you collected? 
  4. How and why did you choose the eating pattern you chose?
  5. Why did you choose the suggested food recommendations you chose to compare?
  6. Other reflections you have not noted above. 

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