Visit the journal Ecology and Society. This web site presents the

Visit the journal Ecology and Society. This web site presents the journal and includes research articles, debates, and discussions from many ecologists. Find any prior issue and choose one article about a particular topic (Look to the upper right corner for the header titled “Find Back Issues” then click on any of the blue issue number links to see the articles for that issue). For this assignment you must choose a primary research article. Do not choose a review, opinion paper, or editorial paper. You must choose a research article, such as

he following guidelines should be followed for all paper assignments in this course:

  • Length: Between 1 and 5 full pages (not including the header and literature cited)
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point
  • Spacing: Double
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides
  • Format: APA or MLA (your choice)

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