Week 3: Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations Imagine that

Week 3: Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations

Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally?

Instructions from the Instructor

This week in the discussion we will explore healthcare technology at the local, national and global level. We will be thinking like a public health nurse about a deadly new strain of influenza. We will determine how to formulate a mass inoculation program in the community. We will think about how public health data could be used to determine the need for a program. Where would we find public health data? How would we determine the success of such a program. How would we communicate this problem and program nationally and internationally?


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2 or 3 references

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