You’ve just been hired as the Director of Communications for


You’ve just been hired as the Director of Communications for a rural county on the border of Florida and Georgia. The County Coordinator, Burt Taylor, is your boss.  Taylor distrusts the media. He once called reporters, “vultures.” He’s told you to delay media requests for information about county business and avoid booking interviews for him.  How do you balance your responsibilities to your boss, the county, your role as a public communicator, and still maintain relations with the media?

Background: As Director of Communications, you supervise and coordinate the department’s activities in the areas of public information and media relations.

Defend your position(s) from the text and required/optional readings

HINT: CH 3, pages 33-39, are especially helpful with this scenario. Think outside the box and don’t assume there are exact right or wrong answers. Avoid “I feel” sentiments….defend your position with facts.

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