Write a paper about the implementation of the Right to Be Forgotten law in the United States. Your paper must

Write a paper about the implementation of the “Right to Be Forgotten” law in the United States. Your paper must include the following elements:
A background on how the law came about in the European Union.
Identify the benefit of implementing this law in The United States at the Federal level
Describe the impacts to Free Speech (1st Amendment) arising from the law’s implementation in the U.S.
Outline the significance of the Wolfgang Werlé case to the “Right to Be Forgotten” law
Identify three countries that recognize the “Right to Be Forgotten” law or have a similar law in place.
This assignment must be at least 4 pages (double-spaced, not counting APA reference list page) in APA format. Remember to include proper APA headings in your assignment and to cite your references.
References for this assignment include:
Schwartz, J. (2009) Two German Killers Demanding Anonymity Sue Wikipedia’s Parent. Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/13/us/13wiki.html
Volokh, Eugene (2000). Freedom of Speech, Information Privacy, and the Troubling Implications of a Right to Stop People from Speaking about You. Stanford Law Review. 52 (5): 1049–1124. doi:10.2307/1229510.

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